Yesterday, I saw my aunt. Not my mom's youngest sister, not the one in Israel and not my dad's sister. My aunt from Arizona. My aunt whom I'm the only one really who keeps in touch with her.
Now that my grandma died, I hope we don't lose touch. My husband and I took our kids in to have lunch with her. They say timing is everything, and while she planned a trip to NY for many months, and planned to have lunch with my grandma...what she ended up doing was visiting her at the cemetery and paying her respects.
My aunt was sad at the loss of her mother, quite contrary to what people might think. My aunt has always been patient and kind towards me. The fights of the others are not my fights. I cannot bring my children up with hate or intolerance.
I will always be in touch with my aunt, she is a part of me and a link to my grandparents. Plus, I love her.